Measure you success


achievement of joy


will fall easily into place.



Have you ever had the sense that life just doesn’t make sense? That no matter how hard you try, no matter how much effort you put in, or how much you know things *should* be different, it still feels like something is missing? That was my experience.

(Does something in your life note make sense?)

What has always kept me going is the deep knowing that
there is a far greater universe available somewhere, somehow, and I know there is a completely different way to live—a way that isn’t about struggle, stress or ___ (‘add your limitation’) in any form.

It never made sense to me why areas of life had to be so difficult or challenging, why there seemed to be such a lack of support and contribution in the world. And not sure about you but I’ve never done well with people trying to control me or tell me what my life should be.
Deep down, I knew there had to be something more.

(What if ALL of life came to you with ease, joy and glory?)

This deep knowing sparked my journey to keep exploring what else was possible.

When I was 15, I came across a quote that shifted everything for me: *“You are where you want to be.”*

Graeme Crosskill
Find your Happy Tree

At first, it didn’t make any sense. I thought, *How can this be true? I’m not where I want to be. I’ve never been where I want to be.* However this sparked a flame, and it got me to acknowledge that I am choosing all of this, so instead of dismissing it, I allowed it to open up questions within me—questions about what was happening around me and, more importantly, what was happening within me.

(What if everything was just a choice? What if we are that powerful and our choices are what shape our future?)

 From here, I became a seeker (not yet a finder lol). I started to explore different modalities, read countless books, attended workshops, and started my business. I tried everything I could to find what would work, what would bring some sanity to the insanity and what could help me create change.

While things improved slightly over the years, something still felt off—I wasn’t happy.

10 years later still seeking, I came across the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement. Something about it felt different—lighter— it was weird and odd, and it resonated with me. So I explored more and the flood gates opened!

In 2010, I attended my first Access Bars Class, and by 2014, I became an Access Certified Facilitator.

For the first time in my life, I finally felt like I had access and resources to handle anything, to change anything—and not only that—but to start creating something different on this planet and live differently.

Now, as a Certified Facilitator, Access Bars Facilitator, and Access Body Process Facilitator with Access Consciousness, it's a joy and an honour to share these tools with others—people like you who are asking for something different or looking for ways to create real change in their lives.  

Find Your Happy College

What if there’s a way of living that works for *you*—a life that’s not about fitting into someone else’s expectations but about creating what you truly desire? These tools aren’t about telling you what your life should look like—they’re about empowering you to discover what’s true for you and unraveling the limitations that keep you from having it.

And if you are one of those brilliant ones whose life is wonderful already and yet you know more is possible , Access is for you too!

 If this resonates with you or sparks curiosity about what else might be possible for your life, reach out and let us begin. 

Graeme Crosskill